[11-Nov-2019] MEROP team selected to the Mars analog simulation AMADEE-20

The MEROP team has been selected, among 16 experiments, to the upcoming Mars analog simulation AMADEE-20 in Oct/Nov 2020 in Israel.   The team was proposed by Rodrigo Ventura, José Corujeira, Rute Luz, e José Luís Silva do ITI (Interactive Technologies Institute/LARSyS), and will participate in collaboration with TU Gratz. The experiment is focused on the field evaluation of a multimodal robot teleoperation interface designed by the team. The AMADEE-20 is a collaboration among the Israeli Space Agency, the D-MARS agency, and the Austrian Space Forum. The mission control center will be located in Austria, while the base will be at the Negav desert in Israel.

More info at https://oewf.org/en/2019/11/amadee-20-science-experiments/